It’s important to take time to reflect. And by that I don’t mean wallow or mope... Taking time, each day, to reflect on the best moment of our day... reflect on what we have done for others... for our world... reflect on what we could do better next time... Dr Maria Sirois, whose talk I went to last week, spoke about the importance of reflection and focus. She asked us to imagine the presence, in our days, of a swamp and a pond. The swamp was filled with the difficult parts of our lives... death, grief, Brexit, bills, global warming. The pond was filled with the good things... family, friends, love, learning, gin... Both can exist simultaneously. We can feel sad and yet still feel love. We can grieve and still feel hopeful. We can honour the difficult times whilst acknowledging the good. Reflection helps us to choose focus. And we can choose to focus on the swamp or we can choose to focus on the pond. Sometimes the swamp has the stronger pull and yet... the pond can still be there. Gradually, we can begin to alter the balance, reflecting and feeling grateful for both. Nobody is happy all the time. Nobody has a life free of worry, stress, anxiety... It’s not about being perfect or relentlessly chirpy. It’s about growing as a person. And sometimes this means taking two steps forward and then a step back. Reflection helps us ensure that we are moving, over time, in the right direction. Well... that’s my little bit of reflection for the day 💙 I hope you like it, on reflection...

Posted by SarahA at 2019-02-19 19:26:00 UTC