A year ago I was working in a job that drained me of my energy. My family and friends got the worst of me as I’d used up my tolerance and patience at work. I suffered from a severe case of busyness! You know what I mean - I was battling to be the person that worked the longest hours, the hardest, the most put upon. A friend suggested that I visualise what I want my days and weeks to look like. I visualised working from home, being able to travel, getting to be creative, writing and seeing theatre for free. Most of all I visualised a feeling of contentment with my simple life. Tonight I reviewed my first play for the online magazine I have set up. I am my own boss. I write every day. I am creative every day. My compassion is growing every day. I have mended my relationships. I feel content. My life is simpler than ever. Today is a good day.

Posted by jbaldwin at 2019-02-09 00:19:31 UTC