Altruistic August Day 8: Lee is in charge of the majority of the cooking so I didn’t get the opportunity to make him anything tasty…but I did make him a cup of tea and brought him some dunky biscuits. 😁 I think it’s a good thing that I didn’t know the reason behind my gynae appointment today. It started with the results of my scan (a 1cm cyst on my right ovary and a larger endometrial polyp) but it soon escalated to a hysteroscopy and then a biopsy. I am now awaiting an appointment for a Myosure polypectomy under local anaesthetic. The hysteroscopy was an uncomfortable procedure but not painful. I can only hope that the polypectomy will be a similar level of discomfort, thanks to the LA, and that I don’t live to regret my choice to not have it done under general anaesthetic. 😬 I was able to alert my colleagues to my biopsy’s imminent arrival and make sure it goes to the lead gynae consultant. This is the one perk of my job. 😅 No relevant pictures (thank goodness! 🤣) so here are some more from our trip to Buxton. The final one is from the vegan café we ate at. They had notepaper and pens for people to leave messages, quotes, pictures etc, in a little drawer, for other customers to discover. I particularly loved the Leo Tolstoink one. ☺️

Posted by Lindsey1974 at 2023-08-08 21:34:22 UTC