Good morning everyone. Or good evening if you are further away. I hope you are having a good week. I haven't posted anything for a long time. I had the results of my biopsy for womb cancer and they were all normal. I know a couple of you ladies are going through this at the moment. So I am sending you best wishes and love. I don't get a lot of exercise so I have decided to add a new routine to my day. Each time I get up from the sofa which is quite often I will walk down and up the stairs. I must have done that twenty plus times yesterday. It is something I am happy to do and is achievable. I am meeting up with a friend today for lunch then a walk around the park. Nothing planned for tomorrow. I hope you all have a good day xxxx 💜

Posted by tonianne50coggins at 2023-08-03 10:14:36 UTC