Looking back on the past long gone by, Can sometimes put tears in an eye, Of what we had and what could of been, That goal not reached, the unreachable dream. The love we lost, unanswered questions of why, Holding hands and cuddling like a young girl and boy. Mistakes and decisions we made that was wrong, Walking away instead of carrying on, Memories made with friends we held dear, Some no more , some no longer here.... Yes, it’s hard to look back and move on, What we accept and forgive will help us move on. As I sit here alone, looking back on the years I may be saddled but don’t cry any tears, I fought some tough fights and learnt the hard way Not everything in life will go my way.... I’ll end with this, as I look to the sky, Life is precious yet we’re all going to die Be at peace with the moment Don’t dwell in the past Don’t fly to far ahead But make every memory 1 to last!!!
Posted by thelk24 at 2020-04-15 15:06:09 UTC