July photo challenge day 18 I USE THIS EVERY DAY Positive Mental Attitude - or I try my very hardest to. Today I've needed to use it more than ever before. FILs consultant called. There's a 2cm diameter mass in his right colon/bowel that may be benign but could potentially be cancer. At almost 89 his options were explained. 1. As he has no symptoms (other than the slight weight loss) we can choose to leave as is. 2. Have a camera colonoscopy to check it further with biopsy to prove one way or another. That has its own risks of perforating the bowel which could make health worse unnecessarily. 3. If we went ahead and it is cancer he's said they can't operate as he'd not be a good candidate for surgery at his age. 4. Chemo etc could be done but again at his age he may not be strong enough to endure it. After family input between us and his two grandchildren we are all of the same opinion that for now let's not intervene and potentially make matters worse, and monitor health decline if and when it happens. Quality over quantity. We are going to see his GP tomorrow for his input too though we all appreciate he too can only give the options he can't decide for dad. Dad seems to be taking the news quite well. Though he has expressed a wish to want to come live with us regardless of what happens. This has been on the table before but I think now he's ready to sell up. Lots to think about. Lots to put in place. My ultimate wish is that he doesn't suffer and I want to look after him ourselves for as long as we can. We'll start with the GP tomorrow and take all of this one day at a time. And I will do my utmost to make his life as pleasant as possible while we can. Once he's with us that'll be by home cooked meals, a warm comfy bedroom, his own chair in the lounge, his own TV in his room, clothes washed and ironed, and making sure all his needs are met both physically and mentally. He's done so much for us in the 42 years I've known him it's the very least I can do. A busy few months ahead of us. 🙏🤞It will all work out.
Posted by Pauline1964_YOU at 2023-07-18 20:03:04 UTC