“Beautiful looks may capture your attention, but a beautiful mind will capture your heart.” Looks are the external representation of a person. When the internal representation is also as good, we find such people truly impressive. There is no doubt that a good-looking person draws our attention. We may even like to know that person or be with them, but if we don't find the same goodness in their thoughts, behaviour and actions, the same person doesn't seem attractive any more. Some people may not seem very appealing initially, but as we get to know them and realise how good of a human they are, their looks don't matter to us any more. Groom yourself and be presentable but combine it with positive thoughts, good intentions and a compassionate heart. You will be able to create connections that last. @dr.bhawna.gautam #beautiful #heart
Posted by devajs101986 at 2023-06-25 09:55:12 UTC