Happy moments of today | D13 🪡 Today I learnt a new meditation practice 🪡 Breakfast was Poha 🪡 I chatted with my BFF on setting weight loss goals…just like old times. We were always partners in keeping check on one another! 🪡 Watched F&F10 with my son. 🪡 Captured a silent conversation of my son and daughter! (she is going to miss him when he leaves…perhaps more than me) 🪡 Took random pictures of view from my bedroom. I wonder if you can see a river at the far end! 🪡 We reviewed the packing to be done for my son and kept all the stuff esp woollens that needs to go with him….2 months to go! 🪡 Was excited to share a post on “Wari” on the group. I hope some of you enjoyed reading about it. 🪡 Skipped lunch but had a mug of ginger tea and rusk at 4 🪡 Dinner was Dal, Rice, Prawns Fritters! 🪡 Didn’t go outdoors at all today. In fact was busy changing sheets and covers for my room. 🪡 My youngest sis is visiting India with her family this Sunday! Grateful for this day! Thanks for taking time to read, like and comment on my reflections. May the divine light shine upon us! 🙏🏼

Posted by G2G at 2023-06-13 14:54:46 UTC