Reflecting on my day with a focus on the good😊 ❤️Awake at 6am and then gave myself a bit of time to wake up properly before getting out of bed for my morning workout! Exercising in the morning seems to really be giving me more of a feeling of purpose, and I really like having a couple of hours just for me before work! ❤️Oo also my fan is really helping me to sleep! My room usually gets very hot so a giant fan is super useful ❤️I had apple porridge for breakfast and a cup of lemon and ginger tea! ❤️Work was good! Challenging as usual but I'm learning which is super important to me🙌 ❤️There was a big thunderstorm this afternoon which was great to listen to while I worked! ❤️I chatted with Alex on my lunch and we had a bit of a clash - one of our classics relating to me liking to plan things in advance and him being a last minute Marvin😂 But the good thing here is we're getting MUCH quicker at resolving things like this! I'm especially proud that it was me who came up with a good compromise that we both seemed happy with🙌 ❤️In the afternoon, I popped out to the shops to grab some snacks - a real highlight here being my wotsits and corner yoghurt😋 ❤️I finished work quite late, and spent an hour reading my book while my tea was in the oven, before hopping onto Zoom for the A4H volunteering sesh! I didn't contribute there as much as I would have liked because I felt so tired, but I used the energy I did have to really listen and found the session really valuable😊 ❤️Now I'm going to stick Love Island on while I wind down for a good night's sleep😴

Posted by Moll! at 2023-06-12 20:16:43 UTC