Today’s good 💕 ❤️ I came to a game plan yesterday of following my base line schedule weekly and to focus on completion. ❤️ I finished reading a book and got two rows of crocheting done on my huge afghan. ❤️ I made a simple dinner of tuna salad sandwiches and succotash. I also washed all of the dishes before bed! ❤️ So far today I’ve finished watching Stanley Tucci’s show on Italy, started reading a new book, began the paperwork portion of the day, have pulled clothes to donate, and decided to make salad for dinner. Not too shabby for a Monday. I’ll probably do some reading, help Sean do some inner child work tonight, and maybe work on the afghan some more. Have a wonderful day! 🌻

Posted by Gris at 2023-06-12 17:24:18 UTC