Be Gentle and Loving As I drove into Utah, past Zion National park. I began to feel the oddish sensation in emanating from the earth, emanating from me. It was soft. Lovely. Light. All evening, deer had been crossing my path, coming to me from out of the woods. That's when I remembered. In the Medicine Cards, deer are the symbol for gentleness and love. The feeling coming from the ground, through the air was gentleness kindness and love The universe was reminding me of something. It was a place inside of me, I had discovered before a place of gentleness and love. Somewhere along my life's journey, with all its trials, moving about, business, and experiences, I had let gentleness slip away. Now it was time to go there again. It was a reminder to be gentle and kind to others, be gentle and kind to myself. Gentleness, kindness, and love are more than places to visit. They are places we can take with us wherever we go. Melody Beattie (1948 - ) Journey To The Heart πŸ“–

Posted by bristolfmeunited at 2023-06-08 06:08:43 UTC