Happy moments of today | D4 🧀 I slept a wee bit late last night but I went through the night in deep sleep. I guess oiling my hair did the magic. Didn’t know when my alarm went off. 🧀Take away breakfast - misal pav - spicy 🧀 I was very feeling lazy and groggy the whole day - wonder if it’s the heat or just another day under the weather (no I did not have any liquor) 🧀Mutton curry with bhakri and salad for lunch 🧀 Club60, Bheed - 2 movies are a must see 🧀 That’s Walnut feeling as hot…waiting for the rains and I love to see her in this contemplative mood 🧀It rained today and the weather has become much cooler and trees already look greener. 🧀 Did some online shopping! 🧀 Dinner = Lunch 🧀 Typing while listening to Chakra meditation chanting to soothe my nerves! Thanks for taking time to read, like and comment on my reflections. May the divine light shine upon us! 🙏🏼
Posted by G2G at 2023-06-04 15:16:33 UTC