Yesterday’s good 💕 ❤️ We were out late last night so I just crawled into bed. Here’s how it started. I woke up feeling pretty good. I grabbed a couple of eggs for breakfast and got my husband’s breakfast and lunch together (his name is Sean 🥰). He was running late because he pulled an all nighter and only managed a couple hours of sleep before going to work. ❤️I had oatmeal for second breakfast 😂 as I channeled my inner Hobbit and cleaned the kitchen and refrigerator. ❤️ I had a lovely chat with my friend about ADHD and it’s very evident that this is the system that my brain works in. I don’t want to do meds but the lifestyle changes are of interest to me. ❤️ I had a productive conversation with Sean about ADHD and he’s on the same page as me. Diet, exercise, and minimalism where we can is all part of our lifestyle change goals. ❤️ And then the mail came with an item we’ve been waiting for all month! Sean took an exam for a recertification for the 4th time (he failed it the first 3 times). It was a 2 part exam that requires a 70 to pass both sections. Because we did things differently like no TV, a quiet hotel, and lots of plant based foods (not to mention that his overbearing abusive boss was fired 2 weeks before the exam -which helped alleviate stress), Sean scored a 91 and a 94! We’re so happy about that and I’m so proud of him! 🎉😊 ❤️ After this wonderful news and dinner, we headed to his office and left copies on his new boss’s desk before hitting the grocery store for salad ingredients. By the time we got home it was 10 something. We crashed into bed shortly thereafter. Have a wonderful day! 🌻

Posted by Gris at 2023-05-31 16:39:16 UTC