Today’s good 💕 ❤️ After self assessment, many online tests and talking with my friend who has ADHD, I’m feeling rather confident that this is how my brain works, in addition to being a highly sensitive person on top of surviving trauma and being crazy smart. (I’ve always known because I made straight A’s for most of my life, including college…life smart is something else entirely. I’m working on that.). I actually woke up today feeling okay for the first time in months. It just feels like another puzzle piece clicked in for me. I can breathe a little better. ❤️ I pretty much subsisted off of last night’s dinner for the entirety of the day. My husband made nachos last night and it’s always a big serving. I just finished the 4th serving for dinner. Now I have to figure out what to make for tomorrow 🤔 ❤️ I’ve been reading today mostly. Got distracted by games on my phone 😂. I even took a nap. It’s been a lazy kind of day. ❤️ Thought about my grandpa who fought in WWII and Korea. Today was Memorial Day and even though he survived both wars, I think it’s okay to honor him today. He was both a squid and a soldier. He was a character too. Spoke Mandarin and Cantonese fluently. I wish my husband could have met him. ❤️ I’m being stalked by the cat. She’s a total lap ninja. I’m never quite sure how she gets into my lap without me noticing. 😳🤣 Have a wonderful day!🌻
Posted by Gris at 2023-05-30 02:43:32 UTC