Keep a diary, and someday it'll keep you. Hey happy folks. Welcome to the glimpses of today…May 30! 🌞My day began late today as I was still recuperating from the weekend masti and hangover 🍻 🌞Got serious about spring cleaning and first attack was on a part of my wardrobe…success! 🌞Binge watched “City of Dreams” S3 on Hotstar (great watch if interested in political drama) followed by a short nap on a lazy noon! 🌞A masseuse came as a blessing for my ever tired knees and gave me the energy to deep clean the kitchen cabinets (part of it) 🌞While snacking on local vada pav had some light moments with my son and his gang of boys who were over for the finals of IPL! 🌞Cheated on my diet today and indulged on some hazelnut fudge 🌞 Completed my 50th post today on this forum! 🌞Now off to bed in the chill of AC…it’s too hot for comfort…waiting for it to rain! Taken inspiration from a friend on AFH….thanks @Mollie🙏🏼

Posted by G2G at 2023-05-29 16:30:20 UTC