Meaningful May Day 27: I had an eye test first thing. The staff were all lovely, especially the optician. She explained things to me that no-one else ever has. I have decided to give bifocals a try. Varifocals didn’t work for me but I am struggling at work. It’s not practical to keep taking my glasses off, when I want to read at work, so I need to give them a whirl. I don’t know how I’ll fair with the bifocal ‘line’ but I can only try. My experience at the opticians meant that my mood was buoyed and I carried that through the day. ☺️ We went into Manchester afterwards and managed to buy most of the things we needed. I was more smiley and chatty than I’ve been in a while, complimenting staff who were helpful and not getting grumpy with the ones who weren’t. The weather was glorious but I don’t do well in the heat. Thankfully, we remembered a lovely little park just down one of the back streets. We found a shady spot and enjoyed a bite to eat there. We’d passed an ice cream van on the way and were pleasantly surprised that all but 2 ice creams were vegan! 😋 Can you guess how long it took me to eat, @Mollie_C ??? 🤣 When we got home, I hung the washing out and then decided to stay out and do a bit of my embroidery. Dad is due round soon so I’d best get a wriggle on.

Posted by Lindsey1974 at 2023-05-27 17:43:39 UTC