Reflecting on my day with a focus on the good! ❤️It's been a tricky one today - anxious and low on energy as a result! HOWEVER, there has been good! ❤️I got a call back from my Drs very quickly and they were reassuring! They don't seem to think there's much to worry about but are still going to do some tests! Both wins! ❤️I chatted to Alex on my lunch and he did a quiz with me (because I love them and I said it would cheer me up haha) & he really listened to me which was lovely ❤️I got my eyebrows done after work and that always makes me feel fresh as a daisy😁 ❤️Also found this healthy ready meal shop near my flat called Cook - it'll be great for when I need to eat but am finding that stressful! I had a great shepherd's pie this eve as a result! And an ice lolly! ❤️Hanging out with my flatmates this eve has been a real highlight - we've been mapping out a route each for our July pub crawl and for our flatlympics😂

Posted by Moll! at 2023-05-25 22:27:05 UTC