Today I’m grateful for… ❤️ Receiving a lovely letter from @Lindsey1974! Thank you so much Lindsey, it was a very nice surprise! 🥰 Coincidentally, first thing this morning I also wrote a letter to you! I shall reply again soon and will try to no repeat myself! 😆 🦊 Seeing a baby fox during my afternoon walk! I hardly got a glimpse of it but that little orange body with a tipped white tail was most definitely a baby fox! 🥰 ☎️ A long phone chat with a friend I used to work with in England. It has been a long time since we last spoke. 🤸🏻 An easier day where I managed not to let the stress get a hold of me, following the horribly difficult last couple of days. 🏀 Watching the AFH Resilience Video 🦫 Seeing some of the groundhog family that lives in our backyard (picture taken a few weeks back) ☕️ Cups of tea ☺️
Posted by verdi at 2023-05-23 22:01:25 UTC