Reflecting on my day with a focus on the good! ❤️I woke up this morning feeling great, and started work with the same energy! My recent long weekend has done me the WORLD of good!!! I could feel the energy it's given me coming through in my interactions with people😁 ❤️I made myself a cup of tea with my breakfast to remind me of the cups of tea I've had with my friend the past couple of mornings😊 ❤️My work put on a zoom yoga session this morning too which really set my day off right! ❤️I got outside on my lunch just through a quick walk to Tesco and the weather was lovely😍 ❤️Also chatted to Alex on my lunch - an interesting chat about some of our goals as a couple moving forward! I think it's good to touch base on those every so often to make sure you're both still on the same page, and I think we pretty much are! ❤️Also arranged to see another of my best friends after work on Friday and really looking forward to that😍 AND in a similar vein, I'm going to hang out with a friend and some puppies after work tomorrow which I can't wait for😊 ❤️I finished work at about 7pm because I had SO many emails to action after being off yesterday😂 But I got through most of them which will hopefully mean I am well set up for tomorrow! ❤️A colleague confided in me about something at work today too actually and it felt nice to be trusted! ❤️After work my brain was being a menace and making it hard to get going with making my tea, but in the end I enjoyed some chicken soup and some toast! ❤️And now off I pop to the land of nod😴 Night all!

Posted by Moll! at 2023-05-23 21:55:51 UTC