So today i had a shadow visit . I carry out food hygiene and health and safety audits in pubs and restaurants. I always do my best to put the team at ease when I visit as I know how nerve racking it can be. Today I was reminded of this when shadowed as part of a company project to ensure all associates are following client briefs and completing effective checks and questions etc. I always worry if I'm good enough so this provoked a level of anxiety. Fortunately my shadower recognised this when the wrong words started coming out of my mouth ! 🙄 Feedback was quote good with some constructive feedback for improvements . She also shared that I was not someone who had ever been flagged as making mistakes or having any complaints from clients . My natural brain process afterwards was to focus on the feedback as being failings on my part ( some things I woukd normally do but forgot because I got flustered) So now I am sitting with a glass of wine and reminding myself if all the positive comments rather than forgetting them and only focusing on the advice for improvement and beating myself up for not being perfect . This is quite hard for me but I'm gonna do it ! And I have also asked for training in areas that I haven't covered before (swimming pools , spas etc) so I can take on new things. Analysing before I go to bed means I can sleep ! Focusing on positive !
Posted by june.harvey66 at 2023-05-23 21:17:30 UTC