Today’s good 💕 ❤️I had a rough night and woke up with my nerves on fire. Hubster rubbed me down with Wise Man healing rub. The Frankincense and Myrrh really shuts my nerves up quickly. I was able to get a few hours of restful sleep after that. ❤️Meditation today. I learned the noting technique. I felt lighter in body and mind. ❤️Made homemade pizza sauce for a very naked cauliflower frozen pizza crust. Made a large salad to go with it. Finished dinner with the rest of the banana bread. I’m very glad I have a second one frozen for the next time I want banana bread. ❤️Used my old computer skills to convert a pdf to a word file so my husband could do his job. Then I adjusted the spacing so it would be one page, as intended. He’s very happy. Nothing worse than a grumpy butt husband 😂 ❤️Tried a new face wash tonight. My skin feels better. Guess aging skin needs different treatment than the 20-something who always used apricot scrub. I suppose I’m growing up by degrees 🤦🏼‍♀️😳🤣 Have a lovely evening and day 🌻

Posted by Gris at 2023-05-17 01:31:17 UTC