I hope this helps someone today ❤️ At a time of social distancing, lets touch with our hearts, touch with our souls, touch with love, touch with kindness and compassion, touch with light and faith that things will get better, those are the most beautiful touches anyone can give. Thank you to our doctors, nurses, police, and everyone in the NHS for putting your lives on the line to save us, you’re all heroes and in our hearts forever. YOU are a beautiful inspiration in showing love to the world and being positive, as you’re loving, being kind, and looking after yourself in amazing ways. Use these affirmations “I’m beautiful for the way I think, when I talk about something I love, the ability to make others smile with my heart, love, and kindness” “Everything I need is in me, when I face my fears my courage, compassion, strength, and love radiates outwards” “I shine upon the darkness and bring love and joy to the surface” “I choose to bring love to the situation that tempts me to follow fear” “I will carry love and kindness in my heart today” “I make the world beautiful just by being in it” “I believe in a beautiful life and world my heart knows is possible” “In these times of self-isolation I can make a difference by being there for someone” “I am light” “I am joy” “I am love” “I might feel worthless to someone but I’m priceless to someone else” “Who I am is always the greater” During this virus remember these words you’re forever loved, special, and beautiful, Love Matt X #behappy #bekindtoyourself #begood #believe #happinessmatters #happy #happiness #happinessiscourage #blessed #honesty #thankful #selflove #selfcare #smile #youarenotalone #youcandothis #acceptance #awareness #anxiety #actionforhappinessmovement #encouragement #feelinggrateful #gratitude #itsoktonotbeok #igotthis #kindness #kindnessiseverywhere #keepfighting #lovingkindness #loveyourselffirst #loveeverythingaroundyou #mentalhealth #positivity #personalgrowth #perseverance #randomactsofkindness #resilience #weareone #wearethechange
Posted by motivation18 at 2020-03-28 18:04:54 UTC