I hope this helps someone this Sunday ❤️ The best medicine for viruses is spreading and giving ourselves love and compassion, as when we stand together it creates a beautiful light which shines we won’t be defeated. Now is the time where we must apply who we are to what we face, as who we are is always the greater. I send all my love and best wishes to you all and I hope you all take care and look after yourselves. Don’t lose faith and we will rise up again stronger and better because of the worst, you’re in my heart, thoughts and prayers daily. Use these affirmations “I choose to love, shine, laugh, and enjoy life because it’s what truly makes me beautiful” “I will keep fighting, loving, and believing as my impact could be an inspiring example to someone else” “I will make the most of this one beautiful life” “I am the one who can shift my energy to create power, love, and hope” “When I check on my loved ones I will see all their magic and will remind them of it when they have forgotten” “In self isolation I will remind myself I exist because I make the world more beautiful” “The kindness I spread is a way of letting others know there is still love found in this world” “There hasn’t been a day where the world hasn’t been a better place because of my presence” “I am a person who can fill rooms with love and happiness which means I’m blessed” “If I feel alone, I will remind myself I’m beautiful, special, and loved” Take care to someone who reads this, Love Matt X #behappy #bekindtoyourself #begood #believe #happinessmatters #happy #happiness #happinessiscourage #beautifulflowers #blessed #honesty #haveaniceweekend #thankful #selflove #selfcare #smile #youarenotalone #youcandothis #acceptance #awareness #anxiety #actionforhappinessmovement #encouragement #feelinggrateful #gratitude #itsoktonotbeok #igotthis #kindness #kindnessiseverywhere #keepfighting #lovingkindness #loveyourselffirst #loveeverythingaroundyou #mentalhealth #positivity #personalgrowth #perseverance #randomactsofkindness #resilience #weareone #wearethechange
Posted by motivation18 at 2020-03-22 13:57:11 UTC