It's so easy and visible to see all the ways the current crisis is bringing out the worst and most selfish side of humanity but, if you look for it, you will also see ways it is bringing out the best: Someone posts on Facebook where you can still find allergy friendly food, someone offers free guitar lessons over Skype to give self isolated people a positive focus, a man stands on a flat roof and leads a workout class of people on nearby balconies, you tubers of all different genres end videos with an encouraging message or release a special video to cheer others up, someone sees an elderly man in the supermarket with jam and chocolate spread in his basket but no bread and gives him their own bread so he has something to spread it on, people bring treats and meals to leave on the doorsteps of elderly and immune impaired loved ones, people bond over the shared anxieties, fears and difficulties, people reach out to loved ones because they are reminded how easily they could be lost... These are all things I've seen over the last few days. Look for the good and be part of the good in this difficult time and we will get through this together.

Posted by gabeangel at 2020-03-18 22:32:14 UTC