I hope this helps and inspires someone today: Within your heart there is a creative place where no one has ever been, what you’ll discover will be wonderful and beautiful, what you’ll discover is yourself. The power of imagination can create a vision that goes much further than your eyes may see, as imagination is the soil that brings dreams to life. Sometimes it’s worth risking everything for a dream only you can see, as our imagination flies, we are its shadow on earth. Sometimes it is those who some may think can’t achieve anything that do the things no one could imagine. Where beams of imagination play, we have the power to imagine better, as there are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds. Imagination has given us many things, things have had to be dreamt of before they became realities. There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, there are artists who transform flowers into streaks of colours, there are some who transform the yellow spots and streaks of colours into the sun and flowers. Yesterday is gone with it’s tale told, today new seeds are growing. The beauty you see is a reflection of your beautiful loving heart as everything is made beautiful for the eye who sees, as inside you is a beautiful artist you don’t know about, your own hidden gold in your mine, the hidden treasure within the ruin of your heart. Your imagination is your own dream, to someone who believes they consider it real. Only from your heart can you touch the sky, life is your creation as a bird’s trust is on its wings to fly! #behappy #bekindtoyourself #begood #believe #happinessmatters #happy #happiness #happinessiscourage #beautifulflowers #blessed #honesty #haveaniceweekend #thankful #selflove #selfcare #smile #youarenotalone #youcandothis #acceptance #awareness #anxiety #actionforhappinessmovement #encouragement #feelinggrateful #gratitude #itsoktonotbeok #igotthis #kindness #kindnessiseverywhere #keepfighting #lovingkindness #loveyourselffirst #loveeverythingaroundyou #mentalhealth #positivity #personalgrowth #perseverance #randomactsofkindness #resilience #weareone #wearethechange

Posted by motivation18 at 2020-02-09 10:47:55 UTC