People are often far lovelier than anticipated. On my way to London for Xmas, huge suitcase full of pressies and small dog in my arms., trying to do the electro I ticket. A staff member appeared. And helped me though. Then another one spotted me lugging said case onto the train and cane to help. A Lucas helped everyone with their luggage on the train (there was a LOT) and a young girl held the dog whilst I picked up the poop she decided to do right there on the platform. When I arrived in London it was pandemonium but a homeless man helped me with my bag and wished me a merry Xmas before going on his way. (I chased after him to give him what change I had. ) Travelling is never easy when your anxious and have an anxious dog. But my co travellers through life really helped that day x

Posted by katya.whittaker at 2019-01-02 15:01:36 UTC