I hope this can make a difference in someone’s life today ❤️ Nothing makes someone more beautiful more than the belief they are beautiful, finding yourself doesn’t mean you have lost yourself, self-discovery is when we remind ourselves of the simple things that bring purpose into our lives. Never apologies for being sensitive or emotional, this is a sign that you have a big heart and aren’t afraid of others seeing it, showing emotions is a sign of strength and remember this affirmation “I would rather be hated for who I am then loved for who I am not.” What mental health and other conditions need is more sunlight, more love, more hope, and more unashamed conversations. Trauma and other mental health conditions creates changes you don’t choose, healing is about creating change you do choose, it’s about changing your perspective and growing with time, it doesn’t mean the damage never existed, it means the damage no longer controls your life. To heal is to touch with love what we previously touched with fear as once the shadow is embraced it becomes light. Hardships are like clouds, there is more sky than clouds but noticing the sky can help us handle the clouds better, as a phoenix must burn to emerge, a caterpillar must break free to become a butterfly. Out of suffering the strongest souls emerge, you may feel depressed, you may feel anxious, but I see resilience, as being anxious doesn’t make you incapable, and if today all you did was hold yourself together, I’m proud of you! It is only in sadness that bad weather masters us, in joy we face the storm and defy it, that’s how you fly, your mental illness isn’t a personal failure, rise to become your own phoenix! #begood #behappy #bekindtoyourself #believe #youarenotalone #happiness #happinessiscourage #happinessmatters #happy #happyday
Posted by motivation18 at 2019-12-12 07:16:28 UTC