After reading about Henry Fraser I realised that rather than focusing on a person's disability, we should focus on them as a person and what they are capable of, which is so much more than a label. We all experience things different, even depression, we may exhibit similar symptoms, but our experience of it is different and unique to us. It also showed me that it's about what perspective you choose to take to see a situation, which we can't always control. I love that he sees adversity as a gift. He is an inspirational person and is defined by so much more than what we or doctors think he is capable of. This is true for unseen disabilities to. The human spirit is truly magnificent. Don't let what others think of you or think what you should be capable of define you. We all see the world differently, that's the beauty. I hope today, tomorrow and the day after helps you to unleash your potential and the best you. You are awesome, even if you don't realise it yet ๐ŸŒŸ

Posted by Nikki AfH Team at 2019-10-27 12:43:40 UTC