The path to happiness includes being kind to ourselves in the way we speak... So many of us speak to ourselves as though we were the most awful people in the world. How often do we hear each other, ourselves, say things which are cruel, derogatory... and all aimed at the person we are. I hear people telling me that they are ugly, fat, stupid, useless... And not a single one of them would speak to another person like that. Can you imagine? Can you imagine telling a friend or a family member those things? Even a complete stranger... we just wouldn’t do it. And yet it’s part of our normal way of being to look in a mirror and tell ourselves that we’re ugly.... to announce to a room of people that we’re useless... We need to stop. We need to be aware of what we’re saying and change it. We need to be proud of who we are, the struggles we’ve faced and the journey we are on. None of us are perfect, but that doesn’t mean we’re any of those negative things either. And if we constantly tell ourselves that we’re rubbish then maybe we and the people around us will start to believe that lie. And it is a lie... an untruth... perhaps said because we don’t feel confident in ourselves, perhaps said because a belief has been created over time... So much stress is placed these days on our physical attributes... our bellies, our muscles, our eyebrows... for both men and women, boys and girls. And yet, it’s so unimportant! Would you stop loving your sister, your partner, your friend because they had a spot, or had put on a couple of pounds? Of course not! Love and respect goes far beyond the surface level. We love people because they’re kind and funny and brave and caring. Why are we so often blind to these qualities in ourselves? So stop. Be kind to yourself. See yourself for who you really are. Speak to yourself kindly💜

Posted by SarahA at 2019-09-27 07:44:15 UTC