Balance... I’m not saying that you should take up tight rope walking... although, if it floats your boat, why not? What I am saying is what we all know (probably) and yet don’t always put into practice. Balance in our lives is so important. It’s the balance of creating a healthy environment for both body and mind. It’s the balance of trying to understand that everyone around us is on a journey we cannot see. It’s the balance of being kind to ourselves and others so that we can look ourselves in the mirror each evening and know that we’ve done the best we can manage that day. The best we can manage. The founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Trevor Silvester, spoke about that and it stayed with me. Some days balance means that we can leap out of bed, feel great, work hard, exercise, eat well... Other days the balance tips and the best we can manage is to put one foot in front of the other... trying not to fall. There are other days where we are somewhere in between those two. Perfect balance comes when the gap between the two is not so vast, not such a rollercoaster. Alongside this comes an acceptance and understanding that we can’t always stop what life throws at us, but we can manage our response. We can choose to blame and freak out and be angry, or we can choose to breathe and reflect and face the storm calmly. Or, of course, there are a million responses in between. And we don’t have to be perfect. Balance doesn’t mean perfection, does it? Perfection implies the end of our journey... a job done. And our journey is not over until it’s over. Surely balance is more about the pursuit of excellence combined with the understanding that we will never quite get there because we have infinite ways of improving, learning, growing? Balance is feeling ‘just right’ wherever you are on that journey. Just right for now, with the understanding that tomorrow is another day and we don’t know where that day will lead. So if today is a ‘falling off the rope’ day for you or a ‘life is brilliant ‘ day.... they each are temporary and, over time, balance each other out. That thought helps me and I hope it helps you too.

Posted by SarahA at 2019-09-24 19:56:15 UTC