I don't have many friends.. I spend most of my time on my own...some days it's easier to stay in bed .. other days I want to get going.... I battle with myself each day... of things that I wish I could do..i can be found sitting in nature... praying I can make it too.... their isn't a lot I need or want... no riches nor no gold...i just want to find who I was... and be held when the night gets cold... I lost apart of me that's true...a missing piece in the puzzle I am.... I made mistakes I fucked it up ... I hurt my dad and mam.... but I found true love...a very loyal friend... who's always close to me.... some see a dog... others a pet... but to me he's my family. #insightintome #everydayimbattling

Posted by thelk24 at 2019-06-18 22:38:56 UTC