One of the things that struck me like a bolt of lightning over the last few years is that we don’t have to follow set rules for the direction of our lives. If may seem like that.... that we have to live a certain way, follow a certain path... but we don’t. We make choices all day every day about what we wear, what we eat, where we go. With a little imagination and courage we can expand those choices into making something other than the expected. Often I hear people, my clients, talking about negative ‘what ifs’... What if I fail? What if I’m sick? What if I can’t get out? But then we talk about the positive ‘what ifs’, which are just as likely to happen... ‘What if I succeed? What if I’m immersed in learning? What if I feel energised? What if I love what Im doing and want to stay and stay? Our default mindset tends to be safe, somewhat negative in that we are aware of potential dangers, and we tend to stay within the boundaries of comfort. But what happens when we choose to change our behaviour, our mindset, our expectations? The British cycling team famously worked on changing their performance by 1% and the results pushed them above and beyond any previous accomplishments. Is it different for us? We ordinary mortals? One step leads to another and if we don’t take the first step in a journey then we won’t get to the 100th step... the 1000th step. We are not born Olympic champions, or artists or explorers... but we are all born with the potential. Some how along the way we slip into ordinariness, safety, afraid perhaps to step outside society’s expectations even by that 1%. But what if we did? What if today you spent some time reflecting and wondering what it is in life that you really want? And how, by changing even just 1% of your actions, behaviours, choices... you could step out on the path to achieving that? What’s the worst that could happen? But then again... what’s the best? What are you waiting for? This is the only life we have...

Posted by SarahA at 2019-04-01 08:49:46 UTC